
BBCAN3 Episode 6: Instant Eviction Recap

Third season of Big Brother Canada, and third Instant Eviction -- If you missed the episode do so and watch now.

We start the episode with Host Arisa Cox inside the Vault, and she announces that Kevin made his nominations immediately after the eviction. Than we go into the typical recap of the last few days inside the house.

Arisa than walks out to an empty studio, like in both previous Instant Evictions, and says "We're doing this a little earlier than usual, so you know the houseguests will be shocked". We get a little flashback to when Kevin won his HOH, and Big Brother calls him to the diary room -- he explains that he didn't want to win HOH.

Big Brother than tells Kevin to got to the vault, and once inside the vault Arisa Cox The Fox appears on a TV inside. Letting him know that this week is an Instant & that he has 5 minute to make nominations. He chooses Brittnee, and Naeha. He must keep it a secret until Arisa announces it to the other HGS, or be instantly evicted.

Since Big Brother decided to prank the HGS on Johnny's Birthday, they give the HGS a party.

Arisa calls the HGS to the living room, well they are sleeping. -- Kevin was locked inside the vault. Kevin must now name his nominations. This episode they decided to do evictions differently -- instead of normal Diary Room evictions, the HGS made their way inside the Vault, and write down their vote... BUT there's another twist, and they must read them outloud publicly in front of the other HGS.

By a vote of 9-2 Naeha has been evicted, and heading back in sequester... She'll have a chance to come back PEOPLE!

We see Sarah have a little meltdown for the fact, she voted for Brittnee to leave.

Time to crown a new HOH -- They're playing in pairs, and must top gears in a battle of endurance. Once they drop they must pick a box to receive a prize or punishment. Sarah, and Brittnee win, but Britt ultimately gets the power of HOH, and we see her HOH room, and letter from home.

Stay tuned for the Instant Eviction fallout, Nominations, and POV tonight on a new BBCAN3 @ 8pm ET/PT on Global!

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