
BBCAN3 Episode 3: HOH And Nominations Recap

Yesterday episode was jammed pack with the HOH, Have Not Comp, and HOH nominations. It had tons of action. Here's a quick recap.

Big Brother Canada begins the episode with the typical recap of the previous show. We now see the first HOH competition of the season playout "Wall to Wall", and it's an endurance. First 8 that fall first will play in the first Have Not Comp.

Bobby wins the first HOH endurance of the season. We see him get his HOH room, and a part of this years perk is the "Shomi tablet" which an HOH gets to watch 1 movie or TV show, and we get to hear him read his letter.

Have Not Slop Off is the name of the first Have Not challenge, and the Houseguests must cross a beam, and fill their buckets. Have Nots are Britnee, Godfrey, Naeha, and Jordan.

They get to see the room where they will be staying for the week, and it's a cool room, called the "dungeon". When they sleep in a certain part of the room a siren goes off, but they quickly learn that, and move there little mattresses.

This year noms are done a little different. Bobby the HOH must enter Big Brother's Vault, and must drag 4 potiential nominees to a large touch screen, and give us his reason. At the end he locks in two nominees, and takes a large type flash drive back to the living room, and put it in this contraption. He than pulls two levers to reveal the noms.

He nominated Brittnee, and Kevin.

Missed the episode? Check it here 

BBCAN3 is back tonight for the Veto episode @ 8pm ET on Global!

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