BBCAN3 Episode 7: POV recap
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Episode 7 was a good episode -- If you missed it, watch it now!
Big Brother Canada 3 episode 7 starts off with the typical recap of last few days. Episode finally kicks off, where Brittnee wins her HOH, and power has shifted inside the house... She tells us she's "out for revenge"
We see a new alliance form called "fembots" with Brittnee, and Sarah.
Now we get to see who the HOH nominates, and Brittnee puts Kevin as a pawn & Bobby her fake target on the block!
Veto players are: Brittnee, Kevin, Bobby, Johnny, Sarah, Zach (HG choice, selected by Kevin) & the Willow is the host.
Also in the episode we see the HGs receive their punishments/prize that they recieved during the HOH challenge.
Veto challenge begins called Spooling Around; Three spools of thread, rope, players have to spin in one place to ravel the thread on to themselves, the run on their own colour to the other end to unravel it and wrap it around an empty spool. They have to do this 3 times. This competition made me really dizzy just watching it. Johnny wins the POV.
Johnny uses the POV on Kevin, and Brittnee names Graig as a replacement, and the intended target to go home this week.
Watch tonights eviction at 9pm ET/PT on Global!
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