
BBCAN3 Episode 1 Recap

Episode 1 was absolute bananas! And if you never watched it PLEASE stop reading this, and watch the episode for yourself!

Big Brother Canada 3 starts out with a intro of the BBCANVault... And a Hologram Arisa Cox - Arisa introduces by saying "Canada - Big Brothers house is under lockdown, and only you hold the 'key'" also she goes on to say "Big Brother is giving you the power to unlock this season's biggest twists"...

Arisa gives use a tour of the house, and reveals the house is completely empty of all furniture and no food. 

The first six move in - Zach Oleynik, Ashleigh Wood, Jordan ParharGodfrey Mangwiza, Sarah Hanlon and Brittnee Blair..  Arisa tells them to take a "deep breath", because this is a "Big deal".. 

Next we're introduced to the next five -- Willow MacDonald, Graig Merritt, Johnny Colatruglio, Naeha Sareen and Bruno Ielo

And finally introduced to the final 5.. Kevin Martin,  Risha, Bobby Hlad, Sindy Nguyen and Pilar..

Arisa than drops the massive bombshell twist of the season all Houseguests are the HOH, and must nominate 2 people each for eviction.. 


Ashleigh - Risha & Bruno
Bobby - Bruno & Sarah
Britnee - Risha & Sindy with an "S"
Bruno - Bobby & Pilar
Godfrey - Bobby & Pilar
Graig - Sindy & Pilar
Johnny - Naeha & Sindy with an "S"
Jordan - Sindy & Risha
Kevin - Bruno & Risha
Naeha - Sindy & Godfrey
Pilar - Zach & Bruno
Risha - Ashleigh & Sindy
Sarah - Kevin & Zach
Sindy - Risha & Pilar
Willow - Sarah & Sindy
Zach - Godfrey & Sindy

Sindy & Risha are nominated, and will participate in the first veto with; Bobby, Kevin, Zach, and Naeha. 

In the veto they must crawl across the cargo net in order to complete the V shaped puzzle... Spoiler*** Sindy with an "S" wins, and must name a replacement nominee, and chooses Pilar... 

We find out Canada has the power to evict this season, and only has 24 hours... Get voting now at bigbrothercanada.ca/ 

Next episode airs Wednesday at 9pm EST on Global!

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