
BBCAN3 TwistosTwist: Forced Veto or Double Veto

If you're confused about the latest Big Brother Canada Twistos Twist -- You're not the only one...

Big Brother Canada has thrown in another curve ball, and this time we hold the POV, and it gets even more twisted. Instead of saving someone, and removing them from the block, we have two options to vote for.

Forced To Use Veto - The veto must be used immediately
Double Veto - Houseguests will have double the chance for veto.   

But the confusion starts to kick in.... Arisa said that for the Double "HOH must replace both nominees", and my understanding by what the website is saying, is that they will compete in two different competitions... Hopefully this will be cleared up soon!

You can vote in the latest TwistosTwist now @ https://bigbrothercanada.globaltv.com/game/vault

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